A lot of Echinacea varieties are offert on the market, but the Echinacea ‘SunMagic’ is different branching. It is a different and new genetic.
Bull Plant Genetics presents with the Echinacea ‘SunMagic Vintage’ Series a prototype of a well branching Echinacea. Already the liner shows the quality in branching, which is a import feature for a nice and compact plant.

The advantage for the grower is pretty clear:
- with good basal branching to container fills up realy good
- less use of growth regulators during growing
- a lot of branches are bringing a lot of flowers
- compact plants are easy to handle
- in the packing process
- for loading on carts
- transport cost are kept down due to more cart loading
A Echinacea is able to fill up 8″ pots with just one plant. Because of the good branching planters and bowles beautiful with a wonderfull proportion between plant and container.

Since the ‘SunMagic Vintage Series has a not centered terminal flower stem, no pinching or cutting of the terminal flower is needed. This means:
- careless plant
- less work
- lower costs in production
The Echinacea ‘SunMagic Vintage’ series is a overall attractive Echinacea with perfect outdoor performance. Economically, easy in production and wonderfull performing in the consumer garden.
More information you find under:
Our full assortment of Echinacea and details on growing you find here:
If you have any questions please let us know.
Your Sven Magnussen