We all know, there is always room for improvement. Due to labor costs and even more the availability of labor, adjustments are always nesessary. For this reason Bull Gartenbau is changing tools and equipment in production.
The new Prins forklift Tiger XXL is now taking over part of the job in Hartwig Bull’s Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia’ and Echinacea ‘SunMagic’ production.

So far all filling of containers was done indoor and pots have been transported to the field on little trailers. With forks the containers have been spaced on the field, which is a pretty back straining work. Later the transplanting was done on the rolling chair while working to the side.

Hartwig Bull’s investment in a Prince Tiger XXL was done for some simple reasons:
- make work easier for your employees
- be more efficient
- get more done in shorter time
Hartwig decieded to go for a Prince Tiger XXL because of the
- a broad axis and a double layer fork
- large tires for less pressure on the growing field
Now all planting is done indoor direct on the potting line. The pots are runing on to the buffer belt and the Prince Tiger XXL is taking two layers of 1gal containers. With 144 containers the Tiger XXL is riding 3 min to the field and back again for picking up the next batch.

Checkout also the video how things have been set up.
Overall, this investment was just the right way to go. In a few weeks the spacing will be done with a new designed spacing fork and we will keep you informed!
Your Sven Magnussen