The Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ is a nice product for mail order companies. The ‘SunCatcher’s’ big range of features guarantees consumer satisfaction.
- pollinator plant
- bee and bumble bee friendly
- hardy plant
- hardiness zone 5
- flowering from July till mid of October
- carefree garden plant year after year
- plant once
- fertilize every spring
- cut back in fall
- done
Hartwig Bull, the breeder of Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ is producing himself quiet a bit of 6″ pots (13cm) for finish products and also for a mail order company here in Germany.
The plants leave his nursery from mid of March until May. They are produced and sold as a prefinished plant without flowers and will be send in bulk to the mail order company who is sending to consumers. A tag goes along with the plant.

The product is offered in the webshop (B to C) like you see below. The price, for a plant is € 9,99 which would be at the moment $ 12,00 plus shipping costs.
Below you see how it is offered.

The bee friendly sunflower ‘SunCatcher’ is guaranteed hardy and is lasting in the garden for years. This new Helianthus variety is a perfect pollinator plant and attracts specially bees and bumble bees. Planted in the garden this perennial sunflower will be approx. 4 ft high and the strong stems carry wonderful bright yellow flowers with a slightly darker center. The Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ flowers over weeks throughout the whole summer. Beside trimming back the faded flowers, there is nothing else to do. So it is a easy to care plant. Flowers will come constantly until autumn.
Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ are distributed in the US by Kientzler North America and can be ordered via their brokers.
In case of questions regarding availability or growing please let us know. We are happy to help you getting on the Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ breed by Hartwig Bull in Germany.
Sven Magnussen