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Helianthus ‘Suncatcher’

Before we start: Yes, the Helianthus ‘Suncatcher’ is a hardy plant, a real perennial and we classify it as a Zone 5 perennial. This variety is breed in Gönnebek in the center of Schleswig-Holstein by Hartwig Bull.

Helianthus ‘Suncatcher’ has a enormous root-system and puffers in this root system all sugar, proteins and starch for overwintering. In the Garden the plant will go dormant after the first frost and starts shooting out of the sleeping eyes already in March when temperatures are above 50° F.

Helianthus ‘Suncatcher’ is a ideal product for production in a 1 gal container. Also smaller pots like a 6″ pot is possible but needs some PGR treatments.

We suggest to start with 2 rooted cuttings in a 4 gal container. Pinching is not requiered. This variety is rather self-branching.

Besides the hardiness, a big issue in all discussions is the susceptibility to Powdery Mildew. From our experience in the past, Helianthus ‘Suncatcher’ is only a little susceptibile in fact only late in the season when the plant goes into the overwintering stage. So we are talking about a normal physiological process in the plant.

Our tests have show that this cultivar is rather uncomplicated in the garden and therefore a perfect product for garden lovers. On to of that Helianthus ‘Suncather’ is a perfect pollinator plant and will be full of bees, bumble bees and butterflies.

This way the Helianthus ‘Suncatcher’ goes into the Garden Center or to the wholesalers. Every plant got a label with a appeling motiv.

If you need more information on growing details please let us know.

Published inGeneralSuncatcher
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