The ‚Sunbeckia‘ is a Rudbeckia hirta type and breed in the northern part of Germany by Hartwig Bull. His greenhouse buisiness is part of the Gärtnersiedlung Gönnebek which is a settlement of growers founded in the mid 60’s. This little village with today 7 other growing facilities is located in the center of Schleswig-Holstein, known by the Holsteyn’s which have their origin here as well (good for meat but even better for milk production).
10 years ago Hartwig took over the family buisiness and remodeled and optimized it. Today they are producing bedding plants, pot plants and perennials in gallon containers for the german market.
Besides this he started breeding on various crops. Rudbeckia ‚Sunbeckia‘ is one of those. Breeding from a grower point of view makes sence. A product like a ‚Sunbecki‘ is good in growth, healthy, uniform, good in handling, good on transport and perfect selflife.
This series of Rudbeckia’s is striking due to big huge flowers with a diameter of 6″ and more, the strong stem, thick flower petals which makes a ‚Sunbeckia‘ flower extremly long lasting and the homogen plant build up the a perfect shape. ‚Sunbeckias‘ have a super garden performance. The following pictures will give you an idea of what the product is looking like.
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