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Get ready for your Summer ‘Sunbeckia’

Now is the best time to get ready for your Summer ‘Sunbeckia’. Therefore a few impressions of Sunbeckia production out of later transplants.

The photo below shows a planting in wk 23/2024 in a gallon container (21cm) with 1ppp on a field from Hartwig Bull.

Danville Gardens with 13″ containers

Danville Gardens in Danville Illinois is starting their ‘Sunbeckia’ production in wk 25. The plants are ready for sale in September.

‘Sunbeckia’ are able to color up the late summer and fall program. A big advantage of this product is the good performance under all conditions.

The picture in the front shows a ‘Sunbeckia Mia’ and a ‘Sunbeckia Luna’ in Nathan’s hand.

On the left you see a row of ‘Sunbeckia Maya’, which is a little later.

With 3ppp in a 13″ container they get a perfect quality for their B2C business.

Drip irrigation guaranties that all plants get enough water and fertilizer what important as well. Our recomendation: “Grow ‘Sunbeckia’ like a mum with strong fertilization!”

 Blumen Kefer in Augustfehn

Blumen Klefer,  is a small family owned business in the north-west of Germany. They are a typical “Retail Nursery” with own production and service. 

Blumen Klefer is producing in summer some perennials and fall items. In addtion to that , they grow also some Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia’ and in other words a real highlight with “added value”!

Premium Garden Center

They have been awarded as a 5 Star Premium Nursery by the Federal Association of Retail Growers.

This is given to retailers with own production, service and floristry.

Dirk Klefer is using a 10″ pot (5Liter) with 1ppp. 

The ‘Sunbeckia Ophelia’ is doing a great job in that size of container and here some details of the crop:

  • transplant in week 18
  • 2 wks indoor
    • then move outside
  • 8 wks later – flowering
  • height incl. container = 28″

The plant shows a great bud count!

The ‘Sunbeckia Mia’ fits also into this summer program. Due to the intence reddish center the ‘Mia’ is a colorful partner to the yellow ‘Ophelia’.

At the village country fair the dancing “Butterfly-Kids” and the Pollinator -‘Sunbeckia Ophelia’ attracting the eyes of the folks.

Gärtnerei Petersen in Schleswig

Gärtnerei Petersen is a independent Garden Center and located in the north of Germany. The Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia’ are a important item in their summer and fall program.

Most of the ‘Sunbeckia’ are coming out of the production from Hartwig Bull, sourced through local wholesalers.

Don’t forget: Get ready for your Summer ‘Sunbeckia’

How to bring ’em home

A ‘Sunbeckia’ is a great gift and finds room in the smallest care.

Therefore is ‘Sunbeckia’ this product necessary in every customer focussed retail!

‘Sunbeckia’ at the POS

A good presentation catches the eye of your customer. Put your revenue generator in the right position

Sunbeckia in the Garden

The colors of the Bull Plant Genetics ‘Sunbeckia’ match with a glas of Italian Rose and with the beautiful feather dress of a bullfinch.

The full ‘Sunbeckia’ program you find on our ‘Sunbeckia’  CultivationGuide

For more information please contact:

  • Kathy McKay
  • Sven Magnussen

Further information you find also under:

Published inSunbeckia
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