The Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ ist doing great in the garden and it is a great product in 6″ pots and up to 10″. This product is perfect for outdoor growing. But also indoor on ebb and flow benches or floors the ‘Suncatcher’ is a perfect crop.
See our video how it works growing in a 10″ pot or in a 1 gal container.

In our video you can see how easy is growing a Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ in a 6″ pot.
Above easy growing, it is more than important that Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ is doing great in the garden. This plant is a great performer. First at all it is a zone 5 perennnial. When the plant comes back after the winter a ‘SunCatcher’ is full flowering and offering a lot of nectar to bees. A “best” pollinator plant!
The below shown Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ has been planted in Hamburg in a pretty nice garden.

Here you see a Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ battling with a Hydrangea paniculata. Yellow and white are very attractive and effectful in the garden. And also in a big XXL patio planter the Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ is doing a spectacular job.

Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’ can be offered a as a flowering product from begining June until end of September to color up the different fall items like Heuchera, Grasses and others.
If you are looking for your starter material asked your prefered Broker for Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’. Kientzler North America is supplying URC from Innovaplant Costa Rica.
Also available liners at various rooting stations in the US.

Details on growing you find here:
- Cutivation Guide for Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’
- Growers Guide for Helianthus ‘SunCatcher’
- Growing video 6″ pots
In case of questions, just let us knwo.
Your Sven Magnussen