Wages are rising and workers are not availabile. This is a global situation and a global problem. No matter if you are in the US, Europe or maybe in Australia. Automation is a key issue for labor intense companies. TC automation with BPG products like the Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia’ and Echinacea ‘SunMagic’ is possible.
“Automate or stagnate” was a strong statement and credo of Tom van Wingerden. In the “40th anniversary video” of Metrolina the family pointed this out clearly. ( Video – Metrolina – 40th anniversary )
Transplanting TC into a liner is one of those handwork processes. Plants are going by hand from a regular TC cup into a 84, 72 or a 54 cell tray.

SBW Iribov is one of the labs Hartwig Bull is working with. SBW Iribov is offering beside regular TC cups also a 81 tissue culture cell trays . Bull is using this TC tray beause it is more handy and transplanting goes faster.

SBW Iribov knows about the need of labor saving procedures in production. Togeter with TTA BV in Holland they worked on the transplanter for the 81 tissue culture cell tray. Look how it works:
TC automation with BPG products is possible. Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia’ and Echinacea ‘SunMagic’ can be ordered in the 81 tissue culture cell tray for your liner production.

Place your orders orders for Bull Plant Gentics products at Express Seed.

Liners can be orderd via your favourite brokers at:

In case of questions, just let us know. We are happy to help.
Sven Magnussen