With some pictures from ‘Sunbeckia’ production in June 2024 we give an overview of ‘Sunbeckia’ from all over.
Metrolina Greenhouses / Huntersville North Carolina
Below pictures are from end of May. In the meantime these plants are gone. Around June 20 the whole batch left the company and is decorating now gardens in the South Eastern US.

Some more ‘Sunbeckia Luna’ will finish till end of June. All plants grown with 1 ppp (see below).

Timbuk Farms / Greenville Ohio
The pictures show some nice Sunbeckia in yellow 8″ pots. Pretty good to see the varieties which are starting to bloom row by row. All plants are watered with drip-lines. The yellow container matches good with the sunny, bright shining colors of the ‘Sunbeckia’ varieties.

F.N. Kempen / Mijdrecht Netherlands
The below pictures are showing ‘Sunbeckia’ at F.N. Kempen.
Ad Kempen was hosting some breeding companies during Flowertrials in week 24. A good opportunity to open the doors, showing their own production. Maarten Verbeek, head grower of F.N. Kempen did send these pics last week.
All plants are grown on Lava-Fields with My-Pex groundcover. The watering is done with sprinkler over top.
F.N. Kempen is collecting all water from the fields for recycling. This saves fertilizer and ensures good water quality for all crops.
Looking at the variety range, Ad Kempen and his team is growing only ‘Sunbeckia Ophelia’. The spacing shows what you can expect from a ‘Sunbeckia Ophelia’ – Big plants!

Transports of the plants they are doing for the most part with the Tiger XXL from Prins. In the peak season six of those fork lifts are runing in the company.
Gartneriet 7eren / Brenderup near Odense in Denmark
Taking the cold weather in Denmark into consideration the plants are looking great. A very early planting outside is due to the low temperatures not possible. For this reason they do the transplanting of all liners for the early plantings in a 4″ pot and later they go into the 9″ container and on to the field. They transport the plants with special trailers, containing 8 CC-Trolleys.

Bull Gartenbau / Gönnebek Schleswig-Holstein
Hartwig is starting to transplant only for summer production. His first ‘Sunbeckia’ is going in week 18 on the field. All is growing in 1gal containers with 1ppp.
Last week this first batch was completly spaced with 6 plants / 10sqft. In another 3 weeks the plants will go to the market!
All water is applied with a boom-system from the top.

Baumschule Holger Huckfeldt / Prisdorf Schleswig-Holstein
Here’s another ‘Sunbeckia’ production out of the north of Germany. Holger Huckfeldt is growing 95% Roses in containers for gardencenters, wholesale and for retailers. Looking for a “add on” in summer, Holger is doing this summer a bigger trial with 3 ‘Sunbeckia’ varieties.
Due to a lot of wind here in the north all Roses are grown in special concrete blocks. The ‘Sunbeckia’s don’t fit exactly into this system and there is no need to. The Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia’ sticks to the ground once the roots are out the container!
Here some data:
- substrate for Roses with SRF
- 2 x foliar activ fertilizer from the top
- 2 x B-Nine 3000ppm
I think those plants are looking great for the first time. Below some pictures of the Rose qualities – great quality as well!

Sunbeckia production in Korea
Also from Korea we got a picture from a nice production of ‘Sunbeckia ‘Ophelia’.

‘Sunbeckia’ production in June 2024. Thanks to growers and partners sending us all those pictures. This is very encourating for the team from Bull-Plant-Genetics.
If you need more informations then please go to our websites:
Sven Magnussen